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Participate in a Study
Sharing your story can make a difference.

Whether its a virtual interview or an online survey there are opportunities available to share your experience with researchers who are hoping to better understand your experiences and perspectives. 


You have unique knowledge that can help shape the way information is presented or treatments may be developed in the future.


We only work on projects with companies we know will respect your time and pay you for your participation. 


Find a list of all opportunities below that are actively looking for people to participate.

General questions? Send a message to


Please note you must be a current resident of the US to participate. 

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Non-Cystic Fibrosis

Who: people who have been non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis (NCFBE)


What: 60-minute online interview


Incentive: $100


Breast Cancer

Who: women who have been diagnosed with stage 2, 3, or 4 breast cancer


What: 2-week online discussion board


Incentive: $225

Sjögren’s Disease

Who: people who were diagnosed with Sjögren’s Disease in the past 10 years


What: 30-minute digital journal and 60-minute virtual interview


Incentive: $200


Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)

Who: adults age 18+ who have been diagnosed with CAH and parents of children have CAH


What: 25-minute online survey


Incentive: $50

Studies Coming Soon​
Researchers are putting the final touches on the studies listed below
and look forward to hearing your experiences and opinions soon!

Hereditary Hemochromatosis

60-minute virtual interview | $125 incentive


Non-Transfusion Dependent Thalassemia

Patients ages 18+ or

Patients ages 12-17 with parental consent

90-minute virtual interview | $180 incentive​​

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